Saturday, May 21, 2016

Why do we read?

Our inquiry this term is Reading for Pleasure and Writing for leisure. Our friend Susie did not want to learn to read so we decided to make posters to convince her why she should learn how to read.

Reading makes you happy - Mohokoi and Punua

Reading makes us smart - Chance, Nifa, Opeti

I like to read the Duffy Books - Allegra and Moana

Reading is fun - Rakel and Xyrus

You can be a good reader - Jorjah and Lusia

I like to read the big book - Lynch and Htoo Say Wah

It is good to learn - Selu and Kelly

Reading makes us happy - Pauliasi

Susie is convinced!!

Our beautiful posters

Friday, May 13, 2016

KiwiCan Celebration

There was a KiwiCan celebration today. There were lots of cool games and competitions and some basketball players came as well as Kandoo the Kiwi! Some Room 2 students won some prizes too!

Room 2 prize winners:



Pauliasi also got a hug from Kandoo!

Friday, May 6, 2016

New Bike Track

Room 2 have been enjoying the new skills track

Waiting nicely!
Look at us go!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Anzac Day

We have been learning a poem for ANZAC Day and learning about what ANZAC Day is about.

Our buddy class also helped us make poppies to present at our school ANZAC service.