Thursday, December 12, 2013

Peace in the Park

'Rhythm, Rap and Rhyme.... Creating peaceful times' has been the driving statement for our inquiry this term.
To finish off a wonderful term of learning all the students at Tamaki Primary School participated in 'Peace in the Park' to showcase songs we had chosen.

Our whanau brought picnic blankets and we sang to them class by class, had some band items and then had our community farewell for our Principal Ms Hansell.

Here is a video of Room 2 on stage.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Manaiakalani Film Festival 2013

Here is our movie which is a part of the Manaiakalani film festival for 2013.
Please watch, enjoy and COMMENT!!

Room 2 is a class of New Entrant and year 1 Students. There are lots of new things you have to learn when you start school, and one of them is learning how to read.
Learning to read takes involvement from many people.
In this movie students in Room 2 share a song they originally wrote about some of the people they read with through the week.
Reading is important and it is fun!

Tamaki Primary Movie Trailer

Click play to view the trailer of the movies our school has made for the Manaiakalani Film Festival this year. 


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Vet Visit

Our pet rabbit Tūpeke is going for a visit to the vets.

We talked about how we will miss him, and the students in Room 2 wanted to know if Tūpeke would be ok with the vets. We talked about what a vets job is, and decided that he would be very safe with them.

Here are some messages we wanted to say to the vets. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Our School Values

At Tamaki Primary School we have 4 school values

We wrote a song to help us remember what our values are.

Values at Tamaki Primary
Tune – ‘He’s got the whole world’

At Tamaki Primary we have values x3
At Tamaki Primary

Rangimarie, Peaceful Relationship’s x3

Tukumarie is tolerance x3

Manaakitanga means we care x3

Whanaungatanga makes a family team x3

At Tamaki Primary we have values x3
At Tamaki Primary

We are also learning what we have to do to be a performer, some ideas we came up with were...
- Being brave
- Practice
- Focus on the audience
- Practice
- Speak clearly
- Practice 
- Stand nicely

Hope filmed us singing our song.
This is our first attempt as a class. After watching it we talked about what we could do to make it better, and we have some things to work on (Like more people playing the ukulele, looking at the camera, having our best voices and smiles....).
You will have to look back to see how we have improved after working on being a performer!  

Our Values from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Our work on 'ShowMe'

We have been writing stories about Stick man and Gruffalo. Calais and Janaiah have published theirs on 'ShowMe'.

Nitika and Cyrus started their first day of school yesterday, we used our numbers to practice finger control on the iPad.

Elizah did some math questions on his own as a followup to his groups lesson.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Lopiseni writing his name

During handwriting Lopiseni practiced writing his name with different colours.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Elijah knows his alphabet

Elijah is super clever and now knows his whole alphabet mixed up!!
He found a quiet spot to go through the alphabet on the iPad to show how clever he is. 

Lia-Elisha has been learning how to do 'take away' problems.
Here she shows how she can do 10-4.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Our Writing

We all sent Mrs Vercoe an email with one of our stories.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Tsai learning how to write her name.

Tsai is learning how to write her name all on her own, and correct her mistakes too!
Tsai did this all on her own.

Using 'ShowMe' to showcase our learning

In Room 2 we have just begun to learn how to use the 'ShowMe' app on our iPads to show our learning.

Calais is learning how to add 2 sets together.

Timote is learning how to skip count in 2s.

Monday, October 21, 2013

We are learning Ukulele in Room 2

To start the term we're getting into learning some ukulele.
Today we were learning the parts of the ukulele through a song.

We are also learning how to strum in time to a beat. Everyone was doing so well strumming in time, that we decided to sing along too!

With practice we will get better and better... and have fun along the way!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Athletics Day!

Tamaki Primary had a wonderful athletics day on Wednesday!
Here are a few photos from the day...


5 year old Girls race

5 year old Boys race

Tupeke enjoyed getting out with everyone too!


We are learning more about some of our school values this term. 
Rangimārie is one of our school values, which means Peaceful Relationships.

We brainstormed as a class what we could do to show Rangimārie in our class, and after role playing peaceful relationships we signed our names to say that we will try our best to have peaceful relationships.

We are showing Rangimārie.

We are showing Rangimārie.

We are showing Rangimārie.

We are showing Rangimārie.

We are showing Rangimārie.

How we can show peaceful relationships.

We are going to try our best to show peaceful relationships.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Sending our first emails from our iPads!

We are learning how to send an email.
This morning we worked with Mrs Vercoe to learn how to send her an email. 
We chose a story from our story writing book to type out and then send it to Mrs Vercoe. 
We liked looking at the board and seeing that Mrs Vercoe had got our email.
Mrs Vercoe has 1 new email.
Here are some of the emails we sent.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Our visit from Laura

We had Laura from Animates come and visit our class.
We told her some things we have been learning about our rabbit, and she answered our questions. 

Laura answering our questions.

 We went into our school garden and showed Laura what leaves we thought our rabbit would like.

 Tūpeke has his first adventure outside with his harness.
At first he was a bit scared. Laura told us that when he started eating some grass it meant that he wasn't scared any more.

Dizah knows that we don't pull on the lead.

Ngataupaki knows that we keep the lead loose between us and Tūpeke.
 Laura taught us how to hold the lead the right way. 
Walking a rabbit isn't the same as walking a dog, so we had to learn how.
Tūpeke feels safe with Petelo.

Welcome to Stephanie!

We have had the beautiful Stephanie start in our class this week. She likes to play with her friends, and likes learning her colours.

Welcome Stephanie!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Terell + Tūpeke!

Today was the first day of term 3, and we have 2 new boys in our class!

First we would like to introduce Terell. He can already count up to 6 and loves meeting new people. We're looking forward to some awesome learning this year with him!

Mrs Vercoe holding Tūpeke

The second new boy in our class is Tūpeke!
In Māori Tūpeke means 'Jump' or 'Leap' which we though was good for our rabbit. 
He has settled right into Room 2. 
Today we were learning how to make sure he settles well into our class, and not to scare him. 

We found out that he likes broccoli leaves and freshly picked grass!

Tūpeke is a good explorer!

Tūpeke likes getting nice pats


Elijah likes being a nice friend to Tūpeke.

Calais took a photo of Tūpeke being brave and adventuring out.
We picked some yummy grass for him.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Who is checking the blog over the holidays? 

We have someone for you to meet on Monday!

Start thinking of a name for the new boy in our class...

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Our visitor from Hawaii!

Today Tamaki Primary had some visitors from Hawaii...
We talked about how we use our iPads, and then sang a song together. 
We're looking forward to making some new friends!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Peter Rabbit

We have been learning about rabbits.
We watched a youtube video of Peter Rabbit eating Mr McGregors carrots after his mum told him not to, then we wrote our own stories about it... here they are!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Our first Skype!!

Last week we were lucky enough to skype our Quadblogging friends from Hamilton East School.
We had lots of fun making new friends. 
We told each other our names, and talked about our days. 
We look forward to skyping again!
Waiting for 10am... Our skype time!

Elijah introducing himself.

Lia introducing herself.

Petelo talking about our day.

Elizah talking about our day.