Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Our special secret visitor!

Miss Elliott told Room 2 that we were having a special visitor after morning tea, but she wouldn't say who it was.... so we had a brain storm to guess who it might be... 

We thought it could be Mrs Sharma, Miss Barlow, Mrs Kelly, Caleb, Ms Hansell, Koro, Bob or Miss Kirsty...

When we got to the hall we found out that it was...

Ronald Mc Donald!!
He came in to teach us about being safe on and near the road.

Here is a video showing some of what we saw in the show

We would love your comment saying how you would be safe on and near the road!


Caleb Vercoe said...

Don't forget to look both ways when crossing then look again to make double sure!!!

And only cross where the Zebra lays down :-)

Unknown said...

I check both ways to make sure it is clear and i always cross on the crossing.


Anonymous said...

That looked very cool room 2!! From this video we learnt we have to stop look and listen before we cross the road. Ronald McDonald looked funny.

From Rynnette, Tevita and Alo
Room 4

Kanye said...

I liked when Ronald McDonald came to visit Tamaki Primary School. I learnt that you need to stop, look and listen before you cross the road.
From Kanye Ngaia Cummings.