Wednesday, April 10, 2013

There has been lots happening in Room 2 the last little while....

Last week on Friday we had our Duffy Role model assembly.
Our role model was Tony Williams, he talked about how important it is to learn words and read us some of the new book he is writing!
To find out more about Tony Williams, Click here.

Paeroa and Paki were given Duffy books for having an awesome attitude towards reading! 

 Last week we had a go at paper mache, Our shared book for the week was 'The swamp nest', so we made some swamp eggs! We learnt what happens when we mix flour and water together, and we learnt how to work together. Look at all our green balloons!

It was also the last day for Abigail before moving over to Samoa to live.
 We will miss you Abigail, hope you have a great time over there, and keep up the awesome learning!

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