Here is our movie which is a part of the Manaiakalani film festival for 2013.
Please watch, enjoy and COMMENT!!
Please watch, enjoy and COMMENT!!
Room 2 is a class of New Entrant and year 1 Students.
There are lots of new things you have to learn when you start school, and one of them is learning how to read.
Learning to read takes involvement from many people.
In this movie students in Room 2 share a song they originally wrote about some of the people they read with through the week.
Reading is important and it is fun!
Kia Ora Room 2
What an awesome song. The theme of the song is just the best - reading.
Reading is just so wonderful. I love learning new things by reading, but the best is reading fun books that make me think about faraway and magical places. It makes my imagination come alive.
My favourite book to read is the Bible. I read it everyday.
Have fun reading. Make sure Mrs Vercoe reads a fun book to you each week.
Bye for now
Well done Room 2 with your movie. It is awesome to see you sharing your love for reading. You look like you put a lot of work into this and it was appreciated by all the audiences who watched it today. I really enjoyed watching your movie too.
Wow what an awesome movie room 2! You all did a great job. I saw big smiles and amazing singing
It put a smile on my face :)
your movie was so good i like it
It look like you do lots of reading at Tamaki Primary. I think reading with your rabbit would be great fun!
Hi Andrew,
Lots of us like to read the bible too. We also like to read our story books we make in class.
Calais said - "My favourite book that Mrs Vercoe has read to me is 'Stick Man. I like him"
Thank you for your comment,
Calais and Mrs Vercoe
Hi Miss G,
Thank you for watching our movie.
Elijah liked playing the drums for it.
From Mrs Vercoe and Elijah
Hi Tim,
Thank you for your lovely comment, we like singing with smiles :)
from Timote
Hi Vicki,
Reading with Tūpeke is a lot of fun. He has been at the vets and we have missed reading with him. He will be back Monday. I will be happy.
From Dziah
Hey Room 2,
I really enjoyed watching your movie. It was really well detailed. I love to read lots of books at school and outside of school. Keep up the great reading Room 2.
Angel - Panmure Bridge School.
Hi Room2
Well done with your movie. It is wonderful to see you sharing love for reading keep it up room2 also you are really cute.
Hi Angel,
Lia-Eliaha would like to know what books you read, she likes to read about smarty pants.
From Lia-Elisha and Mrs Vercoe
Hi Joanna,
Nitika says 'Hello Joanna, I like your comment'.
What do you like to read?
From Nitika ad Mrs Vercoe
Hey Room 2.
My name is Sela and I am from Pt England School. I really enjoyed this movie. Did you know that I also LOVE to read. Great song by the way. Reading can get you into Good places. So keep reading Room 2. YOU also Rock. Keep Reading!!
From Sela PES
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